designjunction debrief
Well it's a few days since we got back from designjunction and we're only now just taking breath. A huge success and a great few days showing off our fab new FLOOR_STORY rug designs.
With so much interest in our rugs at this year's designjunction we are only just getting to grips with our to-do and follow-up lists, but we are so pleased we just had to tell you about it. Our new designs from Kangan Arora, Sagarika Sundaram, Sunny Todd Prints, A Rum Fellow and Darkroom Interiors were pulling in the crowds and gaining some serious recognition from those in the know. We've already appeared on Sight Unseen's review of London Design Festival with our collboration with Darkroom and have been sending out rugs all week to grace the pages of some of the UK's biggest home lifestyle titles, as well as a big national newspaper that comes out on a Sunday! Definitely exciting times publicity wise.
As you would expect our Designer Collection featured heavily including showstopping designs from eve spencer but we also showcased a whole load of exclusives. In fact, many of the rugs at designjunction were so new we haven't even had time to get them uploaded yet - apart from Kangan's amazing SS16 collection - but we'll be adding to our online collection in the next few days. The show really did reveal that these new designs are striking the right notes around the design community and we got some really fabulous feedback. Strong geometrics and graphics with Darkroom, Kangan and Sunny Todd Prints; tribal influences with A Rum Fellow and artistic inspiration with Sagarika, AW15 and SS16 look like they are going to be huge. Thanks to everyone that made it to Victoria House last week and here's to next year. We'd better get creating!