Our thoughts go out to Nepal

There is no doubt that the shear scale of this tragedy has affected all of us and that governments across the world must come together to help in any way that they can, but we've looked towards our industry to make a donation. GoodWeave International is a network of non-profit organisations dedicated to ending illegal labour and poor conditions in the rug making industry. It is hugely active in Nepal and Kathmandu and has been affected by this tragedy; staff members have lost friends and families, buildings have been destroyed and a school built and run by GoodWeave has been badly affected. We've made a donation to GoodWeave through its Global Giving page and are encouraging you all to give even just the smallest amount too. All contributions will go a huge way in trying to help those affected by this disaster.

There is no doubt that the shear scale of this tragedy has affected all of us and that governments across the world must come together to help in any way that they can, but we've looked towards our industry to make a donation.

GoodWeave International isa network of non-profit organisations dedicated to ending illegal labour and poor conditions in the rug making industry. It is hugely active in Nepal and Kathmandu and has been affected by this tragedy; staff members have lost friends and families, buildings have been destroyed and a school built and run by GoodWeave has been badly affected. We've made a donation to GoodWeave through its Global Giving page and are encouraging you all to give even just the smallest amount too. All contributions will go a huge way in trying to help those affected by this disaster.

Image thanks to NBC News