Vintage Overdyed
We've been leading the way with our Vintage Overdyed rugs for a while now, sourcing the very best, genuine examples from Turkey. Now with a brand new collection customised by Muhammed Türk, former winner of the Turkish Young Designers contest, we've just upped our game again.
A perfect example of repurposing, the overdying process sees genuine handmade vintage rugs given a new lease of life through all-over dying. The technique reveals the original pattern of the rug beneath, with a rich colourwash that adds a modern edge. By choosing rugs in various states of wear, it can give that desirable time-worn effect without looking old or dated. While many have tried to mimic the effect on brand-new rugs, there is nothing quite like an original and as you can see here, we've a great collection among our stunning hand-picked vintage qualities.
On one of our recent sourcing missions, we discovered a new twist through the incredible work of Muhammed Türk, former winner of the Turkish Young Designers contest. Muhammed starts with vintage rugs of 50-60 years old, choosing wool or cotton yarns in beige shades for their ability to take colour. Applying an all-over dye, Muhammed then uses a further bleaching process to create another layer of modern abstract pattern. Combining wonderfully with the all-over dye and the feint remnants of the more rigid, original pattern beneath; the multi-layer effect adds a fresh new perspective that's a real knock-out.
You can see Muhammed Türk's work in our Vintage section, where you'll also find some great examples of un-dyed examples. We're constantly adding to the collection and every piece is a one-off, so if you see one you love, make sure you snap it up.