Our commitment to doing better
Laying the groundwork and framing our goals
Our Impact Report for 2022/23 is here
View Impact Report
Our Commitment

We’ve always been particular about our materials, suppliers and designers, continually striving to do our best by everyone involved in our business. Over the last 18 months, we have chosen to go one step further and start to better understand the wider impact that our business has on the planet and the people involved in creating and using our rugs.

This, our first Impact Report, is our way to hold ourselves accountable for achieving our goals over the next twelve months and to ensure that each decision we make continues to make progress for all our stakeholders, including our incredible, and irreplaceable planet. It’s our commitment to do better.

Making Better Choices.
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Our Story
A maker of beautiful rugs with an eye on craft and unique design
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FLOOR_STORY, Cairo Studios, 4 Nile Street, London N1 7RF