
Making Better Choices

Impact Report 23/24

FLOOR_STORY was conceived in 2014, to push the boundaries of rug design - and to bring joy to residential and commercial spaces worldwide.

Ten years on, and we are still innovating, collaborating and making riotous and thought-provoking rugs, and we are prouder than ever of what we’ve achieved.

We have a firm belief that we should grow with our community in an ever-changing world and have a duty to ensure that what we provide has an assurance of quality as well as doing good for our community and planet.

We’ve always been particular about our materials, suppliers and designers, continually striving to do our best by everyone involved in our business. This is why we have set out goals to achieve in the coming year by going through thorough analysis on how we’re currently positioned in terms of our impact from many angles.

See a summary of our goals below. To see the Impact Report in full, click on the button at the top of the page.

Our Goals
for 24/25

  • Continue to host a quarterly rug industry roundtable meet up
  • Completion of DEI training for all staff
  • Use the B Corp assessment to continually improve our impact
  • Work directly with suppliers to understand if there are ways in which we can continue to improve the lives of weavers
  • Engage regularly with Label STEP to improve our knowledge of challenges and opportunities, and reach 100% certified status with all suppliers
  • Invest in two more community designers at our central London studio, giving them a central London base to display products and promote their business
  • Collect more accurate carbon data for scope three from our logistics partners
  • Work with Label STEP to collect water usage data and processing information for each factory
  • Complete an Life Cycle Analysis

of a rug

We wanted to visualise where these three key topics impact our business most throughout the value chain, so that we could set our goals and plan our actions. So we’ve mapped out the journey of a FLOOR_STORY rug, and the sustainability considerations at each stage, from beginning to end. Our material topics are relevant at every single stage - which is both hugely challenging and exciting.

of a rug

We’re a certified B Corp

Our commitment to Workers, Environment, Customers, Community and Governance.

See Our Journey in Becoming B Corp
Positive Story 

Positive Story

Community, Expression, Integrity and Craftsmanship. Our key values as an independent business striving for positive growth. We’ve mapped how we’ve elevated these beliefs over the past year. See below to learn more about these projects.

Round Table

We truly believe that together we are more powerful and over the last 12 months we have hosted three roundtable conversations in our showroom to educate ourselves and our peers through the sharing of knowledge, and discussing ideas of how we can work together to solve the biggest problems in our industry.

Round Table

Label STEP

Since partnering with Label STEP in August 2023 we have been working hard to ensure that all our supplier partners are adhering to stringent human rights standards and these audits are well underway.

More on Label STEP
Label STEP


The hand knotted rugs in our Verso collection are woven by female entrepreneurs in Afghanistan as part of a partnership with the Turquoise Mountain Trust, a charity which was established in 2006 with the purpose of reviving heritage craft.

VERSO rugs

Renée Materials

With the aim of eliminating our pre-consumer waste, we’ve partnered with Renée Materials to turn discarded materials into useful resources that lengthen the life cycle of the things that we simply can't keep. Renée Materials catalogue and distribute our rug samples to their community of creative people seeking materials for projects and workshops.

More on Renee Materials
Renée Materials

Designer Spotlight

As a business that was built from the ground up in Hackney, we know how important it is to feel supported within the creative industry. This is why we started our Designer Spotlight initiative in 2023, where we offer space both in our showroom and on our online platforms to really big up emerging designers.

Designer Spotlight
Designer Spotlight

Becoming a Certified B Corp

In February 2024, we were thrilled to join a community of over 2,000 other companies in the UK that are committed to using Business as a Force for Good, and became a certified B Corp.

Our B Corp Journey
Becoming a Certified B Corp

Label STEP

We take our making incredibly seriously, working with only the most ethical weaving centres to create rugs of exquisite quality. Using only the finest , the weavers tuft, hand-knot and hand-weave rugs with a meticulous attention-to-detail only possible because of their experience and understanding of rug craft.

Each manufacturer that we work directly with, is recognised by Label STEP for being a fair trade carpet maker. The non-profit organisation is committed to assurance of working standards and the wellbeing of weavers and all factory workers. Label STEP works across seven countries which covers all of the main hubs of handmade carpet production. Both FLOOR_STORY and Label STEP are committed to on the ground work to ensure fair trade compliance. Find out more about the 10 STEP Standards here or watch this video.

Most of our hand knotted rugs are made in Nepal, and most tufted and flat woven rugs are made in India although there are some exceptions. Director Simon Goff has worked with these manufacturers for years and makes regular visits himself in addition to the audits carried out by Label STEP.

Watch Video
Label STEP


Our partnership for impact projects with Ecologi continued in 2023. As well as reforestation projects through native tree planting in various parts of the world we contributed to projects that turn local organic matter to electricity in India where we make many of our rugs. Other projects included protecting rainforest in a wildlife sanctuary in Cambodia, wind powered projects in Mexico and Thailand and generating renewable solar energy in Egypt. Our ‘Climate Positive Workforce’ has now planted over 1000 trees and avoided over 100tCO2e.

In the long term, we are extremely conscious that reducing our footprint is key to reaching Net Zero and have set a target for a 5% year-on-year reduction in our Scope One and Two footprint.

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Cutting Ties with an Old Rug

Take a look at these steps on what to do with an old rug to avoid sending to landfill.

See More
Cutting Ties with an Old Rug
FLOOR_STORY Anti Slavery Statement

FLOOR_STORY Anti Slavery Statement

At FLOOR_STORY we fully endorse a procurement chain free from harm, forced labour or modern slavery, including THB (trafficking human beings). We make it our priority to work with suppliers and third party organisations like Label STEP that share our ethical standards and ensure the highest levels of care throughout our supply chain.

Our suppliers sign a Code of Conduct and our full Anti-Slavery Policy can be found here.

Anti Slavery Policy
Our Story

Our Story

A maker of beautiful rugs with an eye on craft and unique design

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9 reasons why wool rugs are the perfect choice for modern interiors

October marks wool month so we’re looking at reasons why wool is such a fine material for rug-making

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Verso, designed by Gill Thorpe, woven in Afghanistan.

Revealing the raw nature of rug making through unusual compositions, Verso is a new collection designed by Gill Thorpe.

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