FLOOR_STORY Selects Terracotta Palace 55844

from £1,260.00

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FLOOR_STORY Selects _ Terracotta Palace 55844

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Rug Details

Made in:
Available to Order:
1-2 weeks
Rug _Story

One-off vintage pieces

Our Vintage rugs are personally selected, we like the slightly more colourful and unusual pieces. Each rug is a one off.

Note: These are not new rugs made to look old. These rugs are anywhere from 10 to 30 years old. We repair, re edged, wash, dye, wash again then let them dry out in the sun. If you can't find what you want on our website, get in touch and we can help you find what you're looking for.

Terracotta Palace 55844
FLOOR_STORY Selects Image
Rug _Designer


A curated selection of rugs outside of our designer range to fit the needs of any space, style or budget.
FLOOR_STORY Selects Rugs
Rug _Construction

Hand Knotted

Labour intensive and painstaking, hand-knotting is the most traditional way of making and creates rugs of exceptional quality and longevity. Perfect for fine work and intricate patterns, a hand-knotted rug really is the don. Our hand-knotted styles range in density from 60-knots per inch right up to 150-knots for incredibly fine, velvet-like softness.

Hand Knotted Rugs
Hand Knotted Image
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