
from £206.25 £412.50 Sale

Rug Sizes

Rug Sample

How it works

How it works


_Rug Samples

  1. Please note that samples are to scale, meaning the sample will show a small section of the rug design.
  2. We require a deposit in order to send the sample out to you, this is refunded when we receive the sample back within the showroom.
  3. The sample cost varies depending on construction, £50 for Jacquard, £75 for flatweave, £100 for tufted and £150 for hand knotted.
  4. We will always send the largest sample size that is available.
  5. We charge £10 UK shipping and £30 International shipping.
  6. Shipping charges will be offset against any order placed.
  7. A FREE returns label will be provided so you can easily send the sample back to us.

Rug Enquiry

_ Diamond

New rugs, designers, sales. Cancel anytime.

Rug Details

Made in:
Available to Order:
10-12 weeks
Rug _Story

A strong geometric design first created as scapel cut artwork

Love this but want something slightly different?

Good news my friend, you’ve come to the right place! We offer custom services which means you can adapt any of our designer range rugs into a different size, colour, construction or shape.

Tell us your ideas and we’ll get cracking with creating your perfect rug. The beauty of this service is we don’t price it for individuality, it's priced by size and material, that’s all - happy days.

To find out more information about customising this rug - get in touch with us.

Rug _Construction

Flat Weave

Often called hand woven or kilims, flatweave rugs are made using a loom-weaving process that creates a neat alignment of yarn. A great technique for reproducing geometric pattern and also makes a good choice if budget is tight.

Flat Weave Rugs
Flat Weave Image